Shivank Shrivastava
4 min readJun 9, 2021


Is remote working blessing or burden for companies?

Almost every aspect of our daily lives has been influenced by COVID-19, including overall productivity. The greatest shift has been the idea of working from home. About half of the country’s population is doing it today. The planet has never seen an exercise of this scale. Will work from home in its present configuration be transient or continue here? Can organisations see that as a feasible choice, especially with people arguing that the barriers between work and life have almost disappeared? We see shifts in levels of operation, changes in daily routines, how workers remain on top of things outside of the use of work and productivity tools. Many major tech companies have announced plans to allow their workers to continue working for much of 2020 from home. Others are making the move more permanent. Actions are taken by some Companies: Twitter announced that jobs would be enabled “forever” to operate remotely. Facebook Inc has said that it will permit its workers to work from home until July next year while Google has prolonged the remote working time for employees who do not need to be in the workplace until June next year.

  • Negative Findings On Working Remote

In global research conducted by SAP, Qualtrics and Mind Share Collaborators, researchers surveyed more than 2,000 workers in Australia, France, Germany, New Zealand, Singapore, the United Kingdom and the United States in March and April of this year. They found that the pandemic had an effect on mental health around the world. About 40% of people indicated that their mental health has deteriorated since the epidemic of COVID-19. (rephrase) According to a survey of more than 1,000 remote workers by Twingate, remote work leads workers to lose a sense of work/life balance during the pandemic. Their results include the following

  • Zoom is the №1 video conferencing device used by remote staff during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • 40 per cent of staff experienced emotional fatigue from video calls while working remotely.
  • 59% of workers feel more cyber-safe working in-office than at home.
  • 22 per cent of home-based jobs bought a VPN after the pandemic.
  • 58 per cent of staff reported chatting about classified details on job video calls.
  • Over 1 in 10 workers got their video calls compromised.
  • More than half (59%) of employees felt more secure digitally when working from the company office, and more than 1 in 3 (36%) were more cautious about opening up emails at home.

However, remote job systems have one big downside: they frequently prevent companies from developing and solidifying their corporate culture. Business culture is fostered, to a large degree, by workers working together and participating in team bonding events and division-or corporate-wide meetings — so that disjointed departments will make this impossible to achieve. But how relevant is the culture of the company? Will it be prioritised in favour of the ease that telecommunications offer? Work from home-based policies may have an effect on the growth of business culture in a number of ways. Cultural consequences that unregulated telecommunications could have include: 1. Colleagues and teams being siloed from each other As workers work primarily or entirely from home, they are likely to only communicate with their peers via e-mail and occasional calls. This is critical for two reasons — first, engaging with colleagues on a regular basis encourages expectations-setting. When new workers are constantly introduced to the actions of their peers, they are able to appreciate success and communication expectations even more easily than they may have been remote. Second, social activity is positively associated with job participation and happiness. A survey conducted by Gallup of more than 15 million workers revealed that the people with the best “work buddies” are “seven times more likely to work, to be better able to engage clients, to achieve better quality jobs than those without them” 2.Feeling of isolation Although working from home at first can make life easier, it can negatively impact the mental health of employees. Humans are social beings, and people will feel cut off from seeing anyone. Remote workers are more likely to fight corporate politics, fear bosses say negative things behind their backs, and campaign against them. A Study of 1,100 Employees Found that Remote Workers Feel lack of work buddies and left out. 3.Enthusiasm for developing and growing a company is more difficult to cultivate. You want workers to be excited about the job they do — inspiring enthusiasm through a scattered team is not difficult, but definitely not easy. When your workers are 100% inspired, it’s hard to generate passion for your service or product without enough social commitment — high spirits are hard to convey digitally.

For employees:

Companies or employers who encourage their workers to personalise their way of completing work tend to have job satisfaction and lower operational costs. Let us talk more about the advantages that employers will enjoy from empowering workers to work remotely. A Glassdoor survey found that 70% of respondents thought that their company had reacted to workers’ health and safety issues. Another 60 per cent said they can function successfully no matter how long they have to do WFH, and 50 per cent said they’re operating as or more efficient remotely. A study by Citrix found that 45% of workers believed employers were “fairly ready” for the transition to working remote, and 38% said the transition was “fairly easy”; however, two positive areas emerged in regard to how companies handled the pandemic shift to remote working:

  • 91 per cent of workers felt the support of their managers during the transition.
  • 92% of respondents felt that their companies took all the measures.

